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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Tyrannical Dunderbaggers

Dunder showed up, looked good and beat the Wolverines last week. Ohio would have been proud if the entirety of Ohio weren't too busy bowling, bitching about how bad the Browns/Bengals are, and generally hating the rest of Ohio. The new Dunder'ers played great and kicked some ass. The old Dunder'ers played great and kicked some ass. Shit last week was bueno.

This week, we play That Kick is Cray. All we really know about TKiC is that Tom Hallock is on the team, they're ranked really high, and they won a season a couple seasons ago. We're guessing they're probably atheltic, probably one of those "bro, it's kickball... we're not taking it serious" while two or three guys are yelling at each other when they make a mistake teams, and they've probably never been told "Tim would have had it" or have been memorized by the awesomeness of "The Wilcox". So in true Dunder fashion, we're planning on playing them tight for a few innings, having an epic Dunder inning, and finally getting wrecked at the bar. Shit this week is going to be rad because we'll be playing kickball and drinking, two of Dunder's favorite things.

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