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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PurpleSaurus Rex

We don't take Valentine's day lightly at PurpleSaurus, and we did our damndest to look good in metallic tights and beads all night before seducing a lucky few singles at the bar and taking them home for the night of their lives. (Full disclosure, I'm pretty sure everyone went home alone). The Purple Ladies were just too intimidatingly attractive to approach, I don't blame the men-folk for feeling like they weren't worthy:

Unfortunately, the big news of the week amidst a sloppy by fun game against Menace was we lost one of our own in a horrific 3rd base collision which resulted in a torn ACL and possibly torn meniscus, we're still waiting to see the results of the MRI. We'll henceforth be pouring out a glass of purple punch before each game for our fallen comrade Ashley McKemie (far left) as she goes through an interminable 6-8 months without kickball.

We're taking the week off to lick our wounds and wonder how the hell we're 4-1 until next week brings our showdown with Awful Waffles, who have no idea what's coming for them. We're going to Sponge your Donkeylips until you say Ug Waffles, so PREPARE YOURSELF.

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