Welcome to the Ghost Man on Third blog, the Worldwide Leader in Austin WAKA Kickball & Social Sports. Posts are player-generated, please email waka.gmot@gmail.com to contribute.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Relax and Let It Happen

This week we play Wolverines, and we haven’t been this excited in a while. Yes we had a pizza party last week, yes we had the most delicious cupcakes to ever grace our palates, and yes, we developed rock hard abs laughing all night at JG who single-handedly lost to the Teabaggers for us. But this week is an entirely different story. We look to this match with the Wolves with smiles on our faces and a glimmer in our collective eye. We’re gonna mix that lineup up. Jeb’s gonna do ambidextrous trick kicks all night long. Hopefully JG’s gonna clean it up and be the man with the extra muscle in his leg that we know him to be.

To the Wolves – don’t get too worked up out there. Everything’s going to be okay, and this can even be fun if you let it be. We have literally never meant it more than we do right now, but we’ll say it once again – just relax and let it happen.

PS/FYI – “Some PEOPLE, have a little extra muscle in their legs. It's very small and mostly doesn't make a difference. Any race can have it, but more black people have it. Kind of like sickle cell or the ability to rap.” Thank you, Internet.

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