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Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Tyrannical Teabaggers

We could've written about a lot of things this week....how we played such a shitty game last week....the new faces on our team....but instead we will write about identity theft.  This is a serious issue.  It's not like identity theft is a joke or anything.  They even made a movie about it.

We, The Tyrannical Teabaggers, have become the latest victim of identity theft.  A team in Live took the name The Tyrannical Dunderbaggers this season, which is a clear case of copyright infringement.  The Teabaggers have been around since 2009 and we have built up a solid brand name for ourselves.  Our brand recognition is on par with McDonald's and Apple, so for it to be sullied by another team is just not acceptable.  Why would they steal something so near and dear to us?  Is it a sign of respect?  Do they want to be the AAA team to our major league team?  Is is the first salvo of a war?  We assume it is the latter, and should the scheduling gods allow it, we look forward to destroying our new found enemies on some future Thursday night in what can only be called......The Tyrannical Bag-off!

Until then we look forward to getting back to our winning ways this week against Stride of Pride.

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