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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One Kick Wonders

After opening up in crisis mode with some last minute roster rotations, a decent Snappin' Da Base team managed to get on top us early, again. They kept the pressure on for most of the game, but we managed to even it up in the later innings. We get through the top of the final inning unscathed & head up for our last chance. The strategy is clear... small ball or bust. Jamie steps up manages to lay down a beautiful bun & run to start us off right. Justin follows with the same thing. Man on 1st & 2nd and up comes Cody in a later slot because he was a late arrival that contributed to the last minute confusion to start the game. How does he respond? Boomstick!... over the left field players.... everyone comes around for what was officially a 6-5 comeback win from 2 down. Too close for comfort, but hopefully we've learned a little more about our own ability to execute a strategy.

This week we'll be up against a deceptive Purplesaraus Rex team that has a capable infield core crew that'll be tough to consistently get on base against. Don't take these guys lightly, but take them we will. If our TX Live president, Stephen, keeps up his habit of never picking against his team, then his win/loss ratio is about to suffer another loss. Let's make it another fun night!

Peace, Love & Balls,
One Kick Wonders

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