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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sons of Pitches

This past week was America Week and the Sons of Pitches were all "F*ck Yeah!" about it. We cheerfully dressed up with the all American colors of Red, White and Blue. There were shinny necklaces, tiaras, and body paint all up and down our magnificent bodies as we came prepared to do some damage. Unfortunately that damage just happened to be in the form of getting drunk. We had frozen Margaritas out of a plastic tub, jello shots in Dixie cups and our normal supply of beer. Well this all sounds wonderful and exciting it did not help with our game of kickball as we also tasted defeat this week. We started off on a strong foot by getting two runs in the very first inning but from there it went downhill. We tried our best and put all of our hearts into it but our opponents Just Kick It were on top of their game and brought us down. The final at the end of the game was 4 to 2.
It was a great game and fun was had by all (maybe too much fun) and we closed the night by sharing some very watery jello shots as we are all Americans... F*ck Yeah!

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