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Monday, July 18, 2011

Nate Fox and the Less Eligible Bachelors

Last week's game was 4 innings of well executed and formidable defense followed by one inning of baffling ineptitude and comic missteps.  The Bachelors have never been much of an offensive power house but we did manage to put 3 on the board, and when you take a 3-0 lead into the bottom of the 5th you've got to feel pretty good about your chances.  "Pshaw!" we collectively said. "We can totally blow this, even if they can't get a ball out of the infield!"  And blow it we did, ending up with a 3-3 tie.

They say a tie is like kissing your sister, which I never understood.  When Nate Fox and the Less Eligible Bachelors kiss their sister, it means we're kissing Nate's sister right?  She's totally hot.  I'd way rather do that than tie a kickball game.

This week we're playing Thorz Day, who have always been a blast to play with the last couple of seasons.  We're gonna be severely shorthanded with key parts of the roster either out of town, held up with work obligations, or dying of the plague, but that just means those of us on the field will have to drink enough to make up for those that are missing.

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