Welcome to the Ghost Man on Third blog, the Worldwide Leader in Austin WAKA Kickball & Social Sports. Posts are player-generated, please email waka.gmot@gmail.com to contribute.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Kudos to Candy Van for a game well played. We thought we were sitting pretty after being up 2-0 after the 1st inning but then gave up 4 unanswered runs due to some pitching and defensive miscues. It is always a close game between us two and we usually end up making one or two more plays than you, but this time it was the opposite. We'll see you again in the playoffs hopefully.

Are we upset about losing 2 games in a row? Of course. Are we upset we haven't played out best? Sure. Does this mean we should give up on the season? That's a clown question bro. As most smart people do, I went to youtube looking for inspiration:


We're not worried because we'll get our mojo back against Hannah this week and carry it through the rest of the season.

This would normally be the part of the GMOT where we'd share drunken stories and whatnot, but everyone else does that, so screw it. Instead we're going to class up the GMOT with some good ole fashioned learning.

Fun fact: Asparagus makes your pee smell because of the presence of 2 organic compounds, but only 22% of people can smell them. The ability to smell them is passed genetically.


1 comment:

  1. So are you saying 78% of people won't think my pee smells after asparagus or that asparagus smells like gross pee to 22% of people?
