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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Big League Chew

The pressure is mounting. When you go undefeated this long, there is no way to avoid it every time you step up. Confidence goes a long way, but at some point, doubts will creep in and make you second guess every decision you make. Its in that moment that you have to just believe in your training, and let muscle memory take you to another victory.

No, I'm not talking about kickball, we haven't won a game this season. I'm talking about the real reason we're all out there: ROCK PAPER SCISSORS! We may have as many wins as the '08 Detroit Lions, but we are unstoppable in two categories: Drinking Tang Punch, and rock paper scissors.

As for tonight, we're a little worried about being abducted into the Candy Van (even though we secretly want to know whats in there), but that won't stop us from doing everything we can to get that first win!

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