Welcome to the Ghost Man on Third blog, the Worldwide Leader in Austin WAKA Kickball & Social Sports. Posts are player-generated, please email waka.gmot@gmail.com to contribute.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Large Hardon Collider - TX Live

Wow, nothing like being too drunk to realize the severity of severe weather. Sobering up and seeing all of the pictures and video from this weekend was quite…sobering to say the least. I hope all of you and your families were able to stay safe and dry throughout the long weekend. Also a quick post-Memorial Day shout-out to our buds who paid the ultimate sacrifice on the front lines and at home defending this great country. We love and miss you.

That being said, we’re tired of getting rained out. These recent hydrologic anomalies are seriously dislodging our competitive underpinnings. We’re developing a rapidly increasing distaste for the stuff that can only be explained through the majesty that are Adam Sandler films.

I mean, it’s getting so bad we’re starting to think W.C. Fields was on to something.

If we were fish we would only fuck in ornate tubs of bottled Fiji water. ‘Cuz we classy.

Despite being robbed of our almost certain victories the last few weeks, we continue to nip at the heels of first place Life of the Party. THE BELT WILL BE OURS. We don’t know what fruit dangle is, but it sounds right up our alley. We actually recruited our players for their fruiting skills as well and their dangling abilities. It should be easy enough to put those together, so enjoy our belt while you still got it PUNTs!

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