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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dillon Panthers

The Dillon Panthers, full team name “The Dillon Panthers circa 2006,” are very confused by the previous GMOT post from our supposed rivals.  As everyone knows, East Dillon High School was disbanded decades ago due to poor educational quality and crumbling facilities.  Our only rival is Arnett Meade.  They vandalized our fieldhouse.

As to Tim Riggins being too drunk to save us, anyone who knows anything about Dillon knows that Tim Riggins is NEVER too drunk to do anything, but he is upset that you woke him up this early. Texas forever.  

Plus, Carrie “Smash” Winsett has been injecting steroids for weeks now to impress college scouts, so we’ve got that going for us.

We will admit to being embroiled in a bit of a pitching controversy between Justin “Voodoo” Morgan and DJ “7” Engle, but hopefully that will sort itself out in a pre-game speech or something.  It always does.

One thing we can agree with these “Lions” on, though, is that tonight would be a good night to get Tim-Riggins’-estranged-father drunk and hit some golf balls into pastures.

Anyway, these East Dillon Lions, whoever they are, are going down.  Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

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