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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Varsity Brews

Last week’s game against Power Bottoms was a pretty phenomenal game. We won the game, and had one huge inning early on where we were able to score quite a few runs. But what made the game great, was the intensity and sportsman ship that both teams brought to the field. As one of the refs pointed out, it was the most intense Live game she had seen. Both teams were playing well, but still kept the mood of the game fun. Also, props to the awesome ‘staches on the other team. A few members of Power Bottoms were definitely rocking some sweet ‘staches.

Power Bottoms, it was lots of fun to play you guys, and I look forward to meeting up on the field again.

Raul “El Suave” managed to get a full count, something many of us had never seen in kickball. What made his full count extra awesome was the fact that on what could only be his final pitch of that ‘at-kick’ he managed to kick a triple, which resulted in sending Gena from first to home for an RBI. Lusto rocked out his Spartan hat. We had a great double play. Chris Z was working home plate and turned an awesome double play, getting the force out at home and then throwing to Justin at first to get the second out. All in all it was a solid performance by all members of the team. Lots of runs scored, lots of good fielding.

This game was a far cry from our game the previous week. I didn’t submit a GMOT entry because there wasn’t a whole lot good I had to say about playing that team. While we lost and that is never fun, it was the bad attitude and poor sportsmanship displayed by a few of the players from kick in a box that made the game so unpleasant. I don’t know what’s wrong with the pitcher, but dude, settle down. Arguing with the refs over EVERY SINGLE CALL is not cool. Relax, it’s kickball. And also, you’re in the Live league. We’re drinking beer out on the field for crying out loud. And also, cut the refs some slack. They’re probably drunk from their game(as all good kickball refs should be!) And to the girl who got mad because she got the ball thrown at her: Hunny Bunny, in case no one informed you of the rules before you signed up, throwing the ball at someone to get them out is allowed. And there is no rule that you can’t throw it at someone just because they have a vagina. That’s right, I said vagina. Anyway, you were barely tapped with the ball. Seriously! If you can’t take playing under the same rules as the boys, then DON’T PLAY IN A CO-ED LEAGUE. Maybe sign up for a pottery class instead. Also, not slapping the hand in the post-game hand slap line of the girl on our team who had the unmitigated audacity to say out loud as you were complaining “but he barely tapped her” is just not cool and is very poor sportsmanship. Anyway, kick in a box, you guys should try taking a lesson in how to be awesome competitors from Power Bottoms.

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