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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DunderSaurus Rex

DunderSaurus Rolls
We rolled over ‘Peanut Butter & Leo’ last week 8-1 with an offensive explosion rarely seen from Dunder.  Seriously, we almost never throw up 8 runs on someone.  And in case you’re thinking it:  everyone tested negative for PEDs after the game during the mandated WAKA post-game drug testing.
This week, we were going against ‘One Kick Wonders’.  This is one of those teams that for one reason or another, we’ve never played them.  The game should be close since I believe we match up fairly well.  It’ll be a game of who doesn’t make mistakes (or at least makes the fewest).  They’ll be well captained by Scott and he’ll tell us that all his people are new and not very good – but I won’t believe him and his sandbagging ways.
Eric “Mad Dog” Harron -- One of three attorneys on the Dunder roster.  If you don’t know what area of law he concentrates on, let’s just say that WAKA players send him quite a bit of business.  And … if you’re really still curious, take a look at the back of your league shirt under the G&S bar logo.  See that thing about a law office … that’s him.
Eric has been in the league as long as anyone – another player from one of the original LIVE teams who eventually found his way to Dunder.  With Eric, Wendell and Lisa on Dunder now – I can think of only one person in the entire league who has played as long as our core players.
Side note:  Congratulation Carrie Gilson … you are the only person who has played as long as we have – when are you joining us?  Your sister played for us for a couple seasons – she had a blast.  Think about it.
Always, Eric is always reliable to get on base or move the base runner over as needed.  He might not be the fastest guy out there but he’ll run the bases like a stallion in open space if you give him a chance. And, he always hits the bar after the games – a very strong quality indeed.
Stephanie “I’m from Miami” Geraci -- Sometimes fortune smiles upon you. This was the case when Stephanie joined Dunder. After a string of injuries and a couple people taking a season off Dunder was uncharacteristically short a roster spot. Having recently moved from Miami to Austin Stephanie was looking to join a team. It was the first time in recent memory that Dunder had picked someone up that didn't know someone else on the team.
Stephanie immediately proved to be an asset to Dunder.  Having been on a successful competitive team in Miami Stephanie made a smooth transition into Dunder's core.  Her competitiveness is rivaled by few. Her ability to come through in the clutch surpasses all but a handful of others. Her low tolerance for bullshit and willingness to call you on it makes her feared by many.  She’s not crazy, she’s “passionate”.  Stephanie has been a great teammate on and off the field and her addition to the team has proven that the Gods must favor Dunder. 

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