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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sit On My Base

It's been a rough couple of weeks for Sit on My Base. After winning our opening match, we've lost or drawn each week since. But that hasn't stopped us from having a blast doing it. This week we were trounced by Finkick Odair, in a game that we knew we were going to lose. This team is warming up in drills before the match, and from what I've been told (and have now seen) are the real deal. Luckily, they're as classy and cool as they are AMAZING at kickball. I've never had so much fun getting the crap kicked out of me. We slapped and chugged box wine, shared plenty of laughs, and it never felt like we were losing anything. Also, I witnessed the most amazing catch EVER. Sara Perez, beer in hand, made a sick catch in center field that I believe will go down in history as the best ever. Thanks Waka for being so awesome that a 13-0 loss feels like a win.


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