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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Papa Stephen's Sexy Babies - TX Live

Perhaps not totally unexpectedly, we've started the season 0-1. If not for Papa Stephen gifting the other team some generous pitches in the first inning we could instead be a dominating 0-0-1 instead, but it's just kind of against my nature to throw spinny spinny curve balls against people who have never played kickball before and aren't expected that kind of hot saucy action on their rubbers.

Cest le vie. This week the Babies are scheduled against the only other team in the league to struggle as much as they did in week 1: Austin Vibes. This rumble in the bumble will undoubtedly be a match for the ages, and I expect a lot of scoring from both teams based on what I've seen out of their respective defenses: exactly the kind of game one likes to see in the Music conference!

I'm still in the process of learning everyone's names because my team is SPANKIN new to me, so I think I'll do the tired cliche of doing an intro bio for everyone on the team next week, but for now with Papa Stephen out of town on a work trip, I'm just going to hope that the babysitter can keep everything together for 5 innings. Prost!

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