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Thursday, April 28, 2011

RELAX and Let it Happen

Let's jump right in. The Teabaggers are the "fall back" chick. She looks good. She laughs at all of your jokes. She's smart. She's crazy because all girls are a little crazy, but she's not bat shit crazy. She throws down in the kitchen. Ass is nice and perky. She is just deeply deeply in love with you. BUT, you know there's better out there. You've kind of gotten bored with her, but at least she doesn't annoy you and she's athletic, so if ya'll go half on a baby, at least the kid can follow in your footsteps. She's an 8, but as a good looking man with a good job and a bunch of personality, there are a lot of 10's out there who need your loving, and who are you to deny them that? So while you're out slaying honey dips, the fall back chick (Teabaggers) stays at home waiting. She probably knows about what you're doing, but she doesn't care, because she's that head over heels for you. In rare cases she'll be your wingwoman because as she puts it, "she just wants to see you happy." 

The game was fun. It was full of hustle, passion, and questionable calls like a big game should be. The first base ump, who Jay and Joey called "headband" because they were so angry they didn't have time to say "first base ump", was right in the thick of things all night. He might've had some bad calls, but he came up to us right after the game and told us good game. I was immediately like, "THAT man has some balls." So kudos to you Mr. Headband. 

We've never lost a regular season championship but that's not what we're here for. Playoffs are around the corner and we're out for blood. We'll probably meet the Teabaggers again in what would be a nice rubber match, but let's get real, there's no way they stand a chance with a full roster. We're gonna eat some bad mexican food so that when we shit on your dreams, it's extra runny and extra stanky. Don't fight it or it'll get in your mouth. Just Relax and Let it Happen. 

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