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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Awful Waffles

Ok so there was this waffle whose name was John Smith McGee...(Im changing his name for his protection). Anyways, when John was real young he got caught up in an inderground syrup spiking gang that would put wayyyy too much sugar in the syrup thus causing diabetes to spike for thousands of americans. To make a long story short, he eventually got busted and he was REAL angry because he thought he was setup (dont they all)...because of this anger and he started lifting weights and participating in the prison football league (PFL) which, like the current NFL, had terrible refs due to their own lockout. He was so good even with the terrible refs that he got the nickname Awful Waffle as kind of an "inside" joke. He later died in a horrible waffle iron incident.

So in his honor, on gridiron glory day, we dress as refs and make bad calls, we wear eye black like John Smith Mcgee, and we all drink too much syrup...

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