Welcome to the Ghost Man on Third blog, the Worldwide Leader in Austin WAKA Kickball & Social Sports. Posts are player-generated, please email waka.gmot@gmail.com to contribute.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Kickin The Punt - TX Live

We made it! Our rockin’ team of random misfits has made it to the last week of games. We played Sons of Pitches to a last minute tie with lots of jello shots shared between both teams and our ref. We even had jello shots at first for the lucky punters who made it there. Next week the same two teams are at it and the tie may just be broken! Regardless, it’s all in good fun and we look forward to it. MORE JELLO SHOTS ANYONE?????
The craziest part was when over 200 bicyclists showed up from a social ride to take a break on our fields…which was all good because some of the team was just hanging out in the beautiful weather and we were able to start up a game with a few of the bikers. They were kicking with amazing force and we were really wishing they would catch the kickball bug and we could recruit them!
Go Kickin The PUNT!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's on tonight! We've got more jello shots than we know what to do with!
