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Thursday, July 31, 2014

PurpleSaurus Rex - TX Live

Rainouts are the WORST. Looking at today's forecast and seeing more potential 'scattered thunderstorms' (the same forecast we've had the last couple of times that we got goddamn monsoons on Thursday nights), I can't help but remember the feeling of crushing disappointment I've gotten everytime that I've stood out on Gillis Park half an hour before games are supposed to start, WILLING the rain to stop, and it just doesn't work.

I start with stoic patience, the belief that it's gonna stop, we're not gonna get rained out.

This in turn becomes anger. How DARE this rain fall!?

But ultimately reality sets in, and I become overwhelmed with sadness.

Leading to resignation and the complete death of my spirit.

Then again, it's only a 40% chance today. Maybe it won't rain! My reaction would be a bit different if presented with actual kickball games tonight.

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